Hollo people! Meet me the owner ;3
Name : nur azahani.
Birthday : 31 julai 1998.
famous name : aza/zani & hani
school : smk bndr seri alam .
Loves :
- Allah SWT
- Prophet Muhammad SAW
- my parents
- My Friends.
- someone.
- Purple
- pink.
- My computer.
- My diary.
- my handphone.
Haters :
- Rippers.
- Copycats.
- Anon.
holla ~ xdhye..ape khabar semua?sehad?alhamdulillah~okeyh...hari ni zani nk share2 story ngn korg lg leww...sblom tuhh..thnx kpd sesape yg sudy bce..hu3...sila buka MATA anda besar2...thanks..he3
oke..nampak pic kt ats tuhh?oke,sebenarnye semalam kitew gi jalan2 ngn kwn2 kitew...sbnrnye mls nk pegy tpy si IS tu suruh pegy..pegy je lh...hmm..dye org pegy sbnrnye nk jmpe kwn2 lme dye org. kol2..kiteowg sampai kol 1..hu3..kesian dh lh menyushkn boy aq ngn kwn2 dye..kesian gileww beb...dye dh nk sampai mcd ttbe kne patah balik untuk amik aq..brr!kesian gilew..then kite owg lepak2 mcd je...lepak2 tunggu kwn2 dye dh tkot sbb aq x knl pun kwn2 dye org...then ttbe kwn dye org dh sampai..haa!malu gileww..bengang pun ade...lps dh siap tuhh...kite owg g tesco..hmm...buad ape leww kt tesco tu?jln2 leww ape lgy..sblom gy tesco tuhh,aq nd kwn2 aq g karoake org g tesco cuz nk jmpe kwn lme dye mls nk nk ganggu...then lps dh lepak2 kt tesco,kiteowg g today pulak leww..kt today wt ape?aq dh lh x knl dye org pun malu jgk nk knl2..he3..tau2 je lha kn aq?aq pun jln2 je leww ngn kwn aq si laila niy...brr!dye niy tau nk balik jewp..nseb baek boy aq ade..dye dtg...dye lyn aq..atoto~sian dye..dye kn nk jmpe kwn lme dye?aq pun x smpai hty jgk..tpy dh dye x x ley pkse..soe ilya~hmm...pkwe aq pun duk leww sebelah aq..kite owg b'bual nd watever lh kn?ttbe tgh duduk tu ade DJ tu dye bukak lagu carta hati..hoh?atoto~mcm sweet je kn?x kutt..hikhok...lps dh bosan gi jln2 ngn boy aq plk(sbb dh terlalu lme sgt duduk ,tu yg bsn.brr!)kite owg pusing2 je kt dlm today lorgh dpt berkepit je ngn dye...lps dh jln2 tuhh,kite owg berdua gi lh tmpt kwn2 aq b'buall tuh..alahai~ilya dh nk balik,?x best leww...pstu,kite owg bru knl....he3..atoto~malunye..sorok je lh belakang kwn aq....he3..boy aq plk menyakat je keje dye..mcm nk bg penumbuk je lha.btw...smlm..happy sgt dpt jumpa ngn kwn bru~alhamdulillah~tq ALLAH..
------sayang muhammad kamarul izwan-----
Sincerely:??? | Written by author of this blog at 19:07 style="background-color: white; color: #ffb3c4; font-family: verdana, tahoma, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; text-align: -webkit-center;"> 0 Lovely